摘要: LinkRunner AT(LRAT-1000,LRAT-2000)最新固件V2.4.3更新步骤 LinkRunner AT Downloads 1. Download the LinkRunner AT firmware patch to your desk...
LinkRunner AT(LRAT-1000,LRAT-2000)最新固件V2.4.3更新步骤
LinkRunner AT Downloads
1. Download the LinkRunner AT firmware patch to your desktop
o The file will be in .zip format
o Do not unzip file
2. Download and install the latest version of LinkRunner AT Manager software
o If LinkRunner AT Manager software is already installed, go to Help, About LinkRunner AT
Manager to find the version number
下载并安装新版的Linkrunner AT管理软件http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTKjMoJ
LinkRunner AT Tester 仪器端
1. Connect the LinkRunner AT tester to your PC via the USB Cable 仪器用USB数据线连接电脑
2. 选择 Tools,找到Firmware Update,点击Select
3.按F1 (Update)
LinkRunner AT Manager 管理软件那边的操作
1. 打开LinkRunner AT Manager
2. 点击Tools, Update Firmware 更新固件
3. Click Select 选择
4. Browse to the firmware file 浏览文件
a. The .zip file downloaded earlier 选中你下载的固件ZIP包
5. Click Open
6. Click Update